For large orders, contact our WM EarthCare Specialist at
866-676-7296 | Email
Available in bag and bulk
WM EarthCare™ compost, made from local yard trimmings and residential food scraps, carries the industry’s seals of excellence. Our three composting facilities in Northern California: Alameda, Marin, and San Joaquin counties, serve the unique needs of their communities and follow a rigorous quality control process to produce stable and mature compost.
Available in bulk
WM EarthCare™ Mulch is made from 100% recycled, clean, untreated lumber, which is coarsely ground to two inches at a facility near you. The colorfast mulch, dyed with naturally occurring carbon and/or iron oxide, is safe for children and animals, and is guaranteed to retain its color for one year.
Soil Blends
Available in bag and bulk
WM EarthCare™ Soil Blends act as nature’s helpers where the use of natural soils is undesirable, or where on-site soil conditions are unfavorable. Each blend is designed to optimize aeration and drainage while also providing the bulk content needed to satisfy a specific landscape or horticultural application.

Alcatraz Aggregate and Sand
Discover the environmental and economic benefits of recycled aggregate. Eschew quarried rock for the environmental and economic benefits of recycled aggregate. Using aggregate from locally sourced and recycled concrete reduces the carbon emissions and expense associated with virgin materials and diverts reusable materials from landfills.